Woman working on laptop in cafe


Future of Work and its Impact on Coliving

As people increasingly change their preferences, valuing flexibility and work-life integration, the very foundation of our work culture is undergoing a significant transformation. This shift isn’t just about where we work; it’s influencing our lifestyles, blending the traditional lines between office environments and home comforts. Consequently, companies are adapting to these evolving demands, and our housing choices are reflecting a desire for both functionality and community. This post will explore the trajectory of remote work and the resulting shifts in work dynamics. More importantly, it will shed light on how these changes are driving the appeal of coliving, a burgeoning housing trend that promises to redefine our work-life experiences.

The Rise of Remote Work

Remote work is undeniably reshaping the global work culture. However, this transformation didn’t occur overnight. A convergence of factors, most notably the changing demands from the workforce combined with a scarcity in the labor market, has compelled companies to adapt to the needs of their employees, contributing to the rise of this new way of working.

One primary driver was technological advancement. As cloud computing evolved and collaboration tools became more advanced, it enabled employees to interact and share resources without needing to be in the same physical location. Platforms such as Slack, Zoom, and Microsoft Teams revolutionised the way we communicate, making virtual collaboration seamless.

While technology paved the way, it was the COVID-19 pandemic that truly thrust remote work into the limelight. Previously hesitant companies were propelled into allowing employees to work from home due to the enforced lockdowns. As a result, during the pandemic, nearly half of EU employees found themselves working remotely.

This surge wasn’t out of the blue. Eurostat’s report indicates that before 2020, almost 20% of Europe’s workforce had already dabbled in remote work. By 2021, this number soared with 41.7 million employees teleworking across the EU, doubling the figures from 2019.

The implications of this shift are profound. Flexible working schedules, once considered a luxury, have become a staple for many roles. This newfound freedom allows employees to mold their workdays based on personal preferences and responsibilities. Not only does this boost morale, but it’s also been a boon for productivity.

man sitting in the part with his backpack and laptop

Changing Work Dynamics

With the rise of remote work, our work culture in Europe is undergoing a riveting metamorphosis. Here’s a closer look at some of the most significant developments.

Firstly, the classic 9-to-5 work schedule is becoming less common. Flexibility is the new watchword. A multitude of European companies are offering employees the freedom to set their own work hours. This isn’t solely to cater to diverse international time zones but acknowledges that people have varied peak productivity times. Some may prefer starting their tasks at the break of dawn, while others might find their groove late at night. According to a study by Eurofound and the International Labour Organization, a significant portion of European workers appreciate the flexibility to determine their working schedules.

The realm of freelancing and the gig economy is expanding rapidly. A report by Malt and Hopwork indicated that millions of Europeans have embraced freelance work, representing a growing percentage of the continent’s workforce. This trend underscores a shift in worker preferences towards project-based roles and temporary engagements over conventional full-time positions.

The concept of work-life balance, once a mere buzz phrase, now plays a central role in our work ethos. The boundaries between professional assignments and personal tasks have become more intertwined, requiring a fresh perspective on how we approach our professional lives. A study by Eurofound indicated that a substantial number of remote workers in Europe face challenges in disconnecting from work, highlighting the necessity for clear delineation, especially when one’s residence serves as the workplace.

Finally, the community aspect of work is evolving too. Companies are investing more in team-building exercises and virtual get-togethers to maintain camaraderie and morale. We’re learning that even though our work environments change, the human need for connection remains constant.

Impact on Housing Trends

The rise in remote work has, predictably, influenced the European housing market. As the boundaries between our personal and professional lives meld, our housing desires adapt accordingly.

To begin with, the shift to remote work has indeed encouraged some individuals to move away from bustling city centers in search of more space and serenity in suburban or rural areas. Between 2019 and 2021, the percentage of days worked from home increased from 5% to 30%, indicating a substantial shift towards remote work. Moreover, as of 2022, 10.2% of employed individuals in the European Union were reported to usually work from home, a notable increase from the pre-pandemic figure of around 5%.

"As of 2022, 10.2% of employed individuals in the European Union were reported to usually work from home"

Despite these shifts, it’s important to note that the allure of urban living isn’t solely tied to work proximity. Urban centers often offer a vibrant cultural scene, a plethora of recreational facilities, and better infrastructure, which continue to attract individuals, especially younger demographics. Moreover, the European housing market is also influenced by other economic factors such as cost-of-living and interest rates which could impact individuals’ housing choices independently of remote work trends.

Renters, especially, are on the lookout for adaptability. Short-term rental contracts and rolling month-to-month agreements are gaining traction, mirroring the evolving nature of remote work. According to RICS (Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors), there’s been an increased interest in flexible lease arrangements across several traditional workspaces.

Economic prudence is also paramount. The pandemic has impacted incomes and presented fiscal unpredictabilities, leading people to give precedence to budget-friendly housing options. They’re in search of accommodations that support their remote working necessities without straining their finances.

In short, as our working habits undergo changes, our residential preferences are evolving, prompting the housing sector in Europe to rethink and recalibrate.

woman conducting a seminar with three individuals in the foreground

The Coliving Solution

The changing dynamics of work demand a housing model that’s adaptable, efficient, and sociable. Coliving steps up as this much-needed solution, harmonizing with the evolving needs of today’s professionals.

Coliving can best be described as a modern twist on communal living. It offers individuals their private sanctuaries in the form of personal spaces while they come together in shared areas like kitchens, coffee bars, lounges, and often, dedicated workspaces.

One of the standout attractions of coliving is its community-centric approach, especially beneficial for those new to a country or city. It’s not just about shared living; it’s about building bonds, networks, and friendships. For newcomers, who might be unfamiliar with their surroundings and lack social connections, coliving acts as a bridge, fostering a sense of belonging and community.

A robust advantage of coliving lies in its cost-effectiveness. Pooling resources by sharing spaces translates to divided expenses, making the cost of living lower and thus city living more affordable.

Equipped with the essentials of modern work, like high-speed internet, coliving spaces ensure no hiccups in connectivity, allowing professionals to work without any interruptions.

Moreover, coliving champions flexibility. Given the transient nature of many contemporary job roles, not everyone wishes to lock themselves into a prolonged lease. Coliving models provide the choice of both short and long-term options, accommodating the adaptable requirements of today’s workforce.

In essence, coliving isn’t merely a housing alternative; it’s a lifestyle choice that harmonizes practicality with the innate human yearning for community and connection.

Lady working on laptop from home

Holistic Advantages of Coliving for the Modern Remote Worker

Coliving offers a range of advantages tailored to suit the distinct requirements and desires of remote workers. These benefits aren’t just about physical spaces; they extend to emotional, financial, and social dimensions. Here’s a comprehensive rundown:

Spatial Flexibility

  • Adaptable Spaces: Modern coliving spaces are designed with versatility in mind. They can effortlessly alter their setup to cater to different requirements, morphing from a conducive work setting during the day to a comfortable relaxation zone in the evening.


  • Variety of Work Environments: Within coliving facilities, one might find a quiet room perfect for focused tasks and a larger, communal area suitable for collaboration. This range ensures everyone can find their optimal workspace.

Community Building

  • Networking Opportunities: Living amongst diverse professionals offers a goldmine of networking possibilities. The casual dinner chat could evolve into a valuable business collaboration.

  • Reduced Isolation: Loneliness can be a challenge for remote workers. Recent studies indicate that the pandemic has led to a rise in self-reported loneliness, especially for those who were required to stay at home. Coliving acts as an antidote by ensuring a bustling, interactive environment.


  • Shared Resources: Amenities, from high-speed internet to printing facilities, are shared among residents. This collaborative approach not only fosters community but also significantly brings down individual costs.

  • Lower Living Costs: The dual-purpose nature of coliving spaces—serving as both residence and workplace—eliminates extra expenses like transportation or separate office rentals.
Young people smiling around the table

Mental Well-being

  • Work-Life Balance: Coliving spaces prioritise balance. With communal recreational facilities and events, residents have ample opportunities to switch off from work mode and recharge.

  • Support System: Humans thrive on connection. In coliving environments, there’s always someone to share a meal with, discuss a challenging project, or simply chat about the day’s events.

Technology Integration

  • Tech-Enabled Spaces: Modern coliving setups integrate the latest technology to offer a seamless work-from-home experience. From smart home systems to advanced video-conferencing setups, they are equipped for the digital age.


  • Innovation Hub: The blend of diverse professionals and technology can spur creativity. Coliving spaces often see residents bouncing ideas off one another, leading to innovative projects and collaborations.

Learning and Development

  • Skill Sharing: Imagine living with a graphic designer, a digital marketer, and a software developer. The potential for spontaneous skill-sharing sessions is immense. It’s like having a mini-conference right at home.

  • Personal Development: Exposure to varied perspectives and expertise paves the way for personal growth. It’s a setting where learning occurs organically, through conversations, shared experiences, and community events.

Safety and Security

  • 24/7 Security: Most coliving facilities prioritise the safety of their residents, often providing round-the-clock security services.

  • Shared Responsibility: There’s an added layer of security when living among a community. Whether it’s watching over each other’s packages or ensuring everyone’s safety during an emergency, the collective approach boosts security.

Environmental Benefits

  • Shared Utilities: Coliving encourages sustainable living. Shared utilities like water heaters or laundry facilities mean reduced consumption compared to individuals living separately.


  • Community Initiatives: Many coliving spaces champion green initiatives, from recycling programs to community gardens, making it easier for residents to adopt sustainable practices.
Man working at an office desk

Challenges and Considerations

Despite the increase in popularity of coliving, there are those who still hesitate to wholly adopt this living arrangement. This hesitation can be attributed to various reasons, including but not limited to: 

  • Privacy Concerns: Sharing living spaces might not resonate with everyone. Some people treasure their solitude and may feel that coliving infringes upon their personal space.
  • Conflict Potential: Group living invariably brings different personalities under one roof, and the potential for clashes exists.
  • Consistency in Amenities: While many spaces offer top-tier facilities, variations in quality and services might deter some.
  • Cultural Adjustments: Adapting to a new communal culture, especially in an unfamiliar country, can be a daunting prospect.
  • Commitment Worries: Even with flexible lease terms, the idea of committing to a shared space might feel restrictive to some.


Yet, with a changing world and evolving work dynamics, the allure of coliving grows stronger. If you are considering this leap, here are a few tips to ease the transition:

  • Research Thoroughly: It’s essential to understand the amenities offered and read reviews from current or past residents.
  • Engage with the Community: Before moving in, attend a few community events to get a feel for the environment and its residents.
  • Understand the Lease: While flexibility is a hallmark of coliving, understanding all terms and conditions avoids future surprises.
  • Prioritise Your Needs: Determine what you value most in living arrangements, be it privacy, community, amenities, or location, and seek spaces that cater to those priorities.

The Inevitable Rise of Coliving

The transformation of the work landscape has undeniably influenced our living choices. Coliving emerges as a compelling solution in this new era, intertwining the spheres of work and life harmoniously. While it offers numerous advantages—from fostering community to optimizing costs—there are also considerations to keep in mind. Yet, as we move forward, the significance of coliving in our evolving work and life paradigm becomes increasingly evident. By understanding its potential and being aware of the challenges, we can make informed choices that best suit our lifestyles in this dynamic world.

The Citylifer Perspective

At The Citylifer, we embrace the dynamic evolution of work and its significant impact on how we perceive and experience urban living. Coliving, as an emergent housing model, aligns perfectly with this modern-day narrative, blending the practical with the communal.

The High Five: Transform The Nomad into your Home Office

Each Nomad Studio boasts the innovative “High Five” – a multifunctional furniture piece by The Citylifer. This ingenious design allows residents to seamlessly convert a mere 6 square meters into versatile spaces for sleep, work, dressing, and fitness. Unlike traditional setups where beds dominate the space, primarily used during nighttime, The High Five ensures every resident can enjoy a dedicated home office without compromising on space.

Encouraging Connections while Preserving Privacy

The overarching design philosophy of The Citylifer prioritizes fostering social interactions. While residents have the option to spend their entire day within the confines of their private apartments, they are also encouraged to connect with fellow Citylifers. Be it unwinding in the family room or collaborating in the co-working space downstairs, there’s always an opportunity to mingle. The allure of remote working is undeniable, but with The Citylifer, it never has to feel isolating.

Uninterrupted Connectivity with High-Speed Internet

Recognizing the essential role of connectivity in today’s digital age, The Citylifer equips all its locations with high-speed internet. Given our increasing reliance on the web for remote work, anything less than swift, dependable internet is non-negotiable.

Leases Tailored for Flexibility

The appeal of remote work often lies in its inherent flexibility. Echoing this sentiment, The Citylifer extends lease agreements that are as adaptable as the modern worker’s schedule. Residents can opt for leases starting from just one month, with the freedom to extend their stay indefinitely. Whenever you’re ready to make a move, The Citylifer ensures a hassle-free transition.


What is the trend in coliving in 2023?

In 2023, coliving sees a rise in demand, especially among younger generations, as it offers affordability and flexible living amidst soaring real estate prices. This trend is characterized by a focus on sustainability, technology-integrated management, and community-building amenities and shared spaces.

What is the coliving trend in Europe?

In Europe, coliving is gaining popularity as a solution to high living costs, particularly in urban areas, offering shared spaces and amenities. This trend emphasizes affordability, design, and community, providing opportunities for social interaction and networking.

What are the concepts for coliving?

Coliving combines private living spaces with shared common areas to foster community and shared responsibilities. This model emphasizes affordability, sustainability, flexibility, and technology integration to enhance living experiences.

What are the problems with coliving?

Coliving can lead to conflicts among residents with differing lifestyles and values, and lack of privacy can be problematic for some. The quality of life in such arrangements also largely depends on the management’s effectiveness in maintaining the property and addressing concerns.

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